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Eligibility: Thanks to the LEGION Act (Let Everyone Get Involved In Opportunities for National Service Act), Congress expanded the current eligibility period to cover Dec. 7, 1941, to the present, and includes the current war campaigns. Previously, there were seven declared war periods. Now there are two, the current war period dating back to World War II and another war era covering World War I.
How to join American Legion Dyer-Gunnell Post 180
You can join through the national website, just follow the online directions. Note that members will need their Legion ID# from their current Member Card. Annual dues are $45 (as of July 1, 2024). If you've already signed up the system will let you know. You can also print your membershihp card fro mteh website. At least once a year our Squadron 180 Sons run a fund raising event by offering to laminate your paper memberhsihp cards!
Or you can send a check or drop off cash (if dropping off cash please seal it in an envolope.) In either case, please mark it ATTN: PNC Dan Dellinger and send/drop it at/to American Legion Dyer-Gunnell Post 180, 330 N. Center Street, Vienna, VA 22180 or PO Box 495, Vienna, VA, 22183. Make checks payable to 'American Legion Post 180.' Please include The American Legion Membership Application form from the National website.
New Membership
Eligible veterans applying for first time membership must submit the following information to Post Membership Committee:
- Complete American Legion Membership Application.
Print two (2) completed copies. Keep one copy for your records. Mail the other copy to above address, together with your dues payment. (Dues amount on application). Applications are also available at the Post.)
- Provide a copy of your DD214 discharge.
- Pay the membership dues (amount shown on application). Make checks payable to our Post listed above. DO NOT SEND CASH.
- If the information is correct, membership will be approved and then a membership card will be mailed to you.
- Please see eligibility dates below.
- Membership dues payment, if current year dues are not paid. If current dues are paid, please pay dues for next year's membership.
Veterans applying for transfers from your current Post to our Post must submit the following:
- Complete American Legion Membership Application.
- Provide a copy of your DD214 discharge.
- Provide a copy of your membership card.
- Membership dues payment, if current year dues are not paid. If current dues are paid, please pay dues for next year's membership.